Are you struggling find self-care that feeds your soul?


Looking for NEW ways to practice self-care?


Do you believe self-care is only elaborate or expensive spa retreats?


Self-care is such a buzzword right now and many people think it's expensive luxury spa days, elaborate bubble baths, and flying out to exotic places, when in fact self-care is more than indulgent luxuries; it's self-love in action.


Get your copy of  Adriane's Self Care in Action e-book now!



This e-book has something for everyone!


Get this comprehensive guide to self-care now!


Packed with practical tips & holistic insights, it's the perfect companion to kickstart your wellness adventure. 

Embrace Self-Care as an Act of Self-Love

Let go of guilt and self-worth issues that have held you back from giving yourself the care you deserve. "Self Love in Action" offers you a gentle yet powerful path to cultivate self-compassion and wholeheartedly embrace self-care as an act of self-love. Through carefully crafted exercises and mindset shifts, you'll come to understand that prioritizing your well-being is not selfish but an essential component of your overall happiness and fulfillment.

"This is an essential guide to self-care for busy individuals that demolishes all the things that could be stopping you from making it a daily part of your life."

-Melodi P.


Simple self-care activities


Creating sustainable self-care habits


Unlocking the power of self-love


Making self-care a priority


Reconnecting with your authentic self


Embracing self-care as an act of self-empowerment

What's stopping you?


Time Constraints


Guilt & Self-Worth Issues


Perfectionism & High Expectations


Lack of Awareness or Knowledge

It's time to break free!

In today's fast-paced world, finding time for self-care can feel like an impossible task. But fear not! "Self Love in Action: 10 Free and Effortless Self-Care Activities for Busy People" is here to break down those barriers and show you how to infuse self-care into your bustling life effortlessly.

Effortlessly Integrate Self-Care into Your Busy Schedule

This e-book is your trusty companion, providing practical strategies and tips on seamlessly integrating self-care activities into your jam-packed days. Discover effective time management techniques that empower you to reclaim precious moments for self-nurturing. Uncover efficient self-care practices that can be effortlessly squeezed into short periods, allowing you to prioritize yourself without sacrificing your commitments.

Embrace Self-Care as Your Essential Life Companion

This e-book is your ultimate go-to guide, addressing the barriers that have hindered your self-care journey and providing you with practical solutions, unwavering encouragement, and a wellspring of inspiration. It's time to break free from whatever has held you back and truly prioritize yourself. Let "Self Love in Action" be your trusted companion as you navigate the path to a life enriched with self-love, well-being, and the profound joy that comes from taking care of your own needs.

Free Yourself from Perfectionism and Unattainable Expectations

Wave goodbye to the burden of perfectionism and the relentless pursuit of impossibly high standards. This e-book will empower you to view self-care as the key to recharging and enhancing your productivity. Dive into the practical strategies within its pages and learn how to set realistic expectations and healthy boundaries. Embrace self-care as an invaluable tool for achieving balance and success in all areas of your life.

"Self Love in Action has been a game-changer in my life! As a busy professional juggling multiple responsibilities, I always put my own needs on the back burner. This ebook showed me that self-care doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. The activities suggested are practical, effortless, and have made a tremendous difference in my overall well-being. Now, I prioritize myself guilt-free, and I feel more energized, focused, and balanced than ever before. Thank you for giving me the tools to embrace self-love in the midst of my busy life!" - Julianna

"I couldn't be more grateful for stumbling upon Self Love in Action. As a parent with a demanding schedule, I rarely found time for myself, and it started taking a toll on my mental health. This eBook taught me how to integrate self-care seamlessly into my day, no matter how busy I am. The activities are not only effortless but also incredibly effective in reducing stress and bringing a sense of calm. I now realize that taking care of myself is not selfish—it's a necessity. Self Love in Action has transformed my life, and I highly recommend it to all busy parents out there."- Mark

"I used to scoff at the idea of self-care, thinking it was just a buzzword with no real impact. But Self Love in Action completely changed my perspective. This e-book goes beyond surface-level self-indulgence; it delves into the core of self-love and provides practical activities that anyone can do. I was pleasantly surprised to find how effortlessly I could incorporate self-care into my daily routine, even as a skeptic. The results have been amazing—I feel more centered, confident, and at peace with myself. Self Love in Action is a must-read for anyone looking to discover the transformative power of self-care."- Emilee

This book goes beyond the surface of self-care. It's a journey that empowers you to tap into your authentic desires and reconnect with your true self.


Adriane Maxwell, LMP RM

A Reiki Master and Massage Therapist who is passionate about empowering women to prioritize self-care. With over a decade of experience in the holistic healing arts, Adriane is an advocate for the transformative power of self-care practices. Her mission is to help women in particular adopt self-care techniques that have a significant impact on their emotional, physical, and mental well-being. Adriane's teachings are rooted in her belief that self-love and self-care should be accessible, effortless, and most importantly, a non-negotiable aspect of daily life. Whether through her private practice or through her writing, Adriane inspires others to make self-care a priority and live their best life.